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Animals Being Poached

People poach some of the cutest animals!

Our work

How You Can Help

There are many ways you can help to stop poaching. One way is going to fundraisers and donating money to poaching. Another way is to volunteer at poaching services. You can also sign petitions and stand up against poachers. Anyone who thinks poaching is ok is wrong and they have a crooked mind towards animals. Not all animals may be cute but every animal should be able to live as great of a life as a human can. When it comes down to it, we are animals and we need to make some room for the other animals in this beautiful world. We depend on other animals for the ecosystem and for food. Do anything you can to help poaching because when animals go extinct they're gone forever.


Poaching Fundraisers

(Click on arrow to go to link)


Humane Society


Why People Poach

People poach for a good profit. A sumatran tiger's parts can go up to sale for almost 5,000 dollars all together and a single rhino horn can go up to 300,000 dollars. They also do it because they don't care if an animal goes extinct so they don't care about how much animals they kill. Something that drives poachers to poach is for financial gain. It does not help that some people buy ivory for some suspected thing that ivory has "medical" qualities.


Websites to know more about poaching

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